You can help the Armed Forces of Ukraine achieve victory by donating to us

Become a part of real support for the Armed Forces of Ukraine!

In the struggle for national security and territorial integrity, automotive equipment is becoming a vital tool for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. These vehicles not only provide quick and efficient transfer of troops and equipment to the front line, but also serve as an important means of mobility and protection of our soldiers. Each vehicle - it is not only a means of transportation, but also a symbol of strength, dedication and readiness to protect our country. Our task is to provide them with all the necessary resources so that our defenders can perform their mission at the highest level."

Charity lottery

The collection for the repair of cars for the Armed Forces of UKRAINE from the PO PIDTYRMKA FRONTU has been announced!
The required amount is UAH 100 000.



So, the repaired cars were again taken to the boys' destinations, and cars were brought in for repair and maintenance.

According to preliminary calculations, we need UAH 100,000 for spare parts and consumables for these cars, since we carry out repairs ourselves, except for those types of work that we cannot perform for one reason or another.

Every donation and repost is important, every hryvnia is important!!!

The sooner we close the collection, the sooner the cars will be ready for use by our defenders to effectively perform their tasks of repelling the enemy's influx and preserving your peaceful life.


Monobank 4441 1144 6852 1800

Privatebank 4149 6293 5607 7818

Recipient's name: PO FRONT SUPPORT

Receiver code: 45311353

Recipient's account: UA063052990000026008000817340

Name of the bank: JSC CB "PRIVATBANK"